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Last updated: 2025-03-26 13:18:23
Trump nominates rightwing media critic as ambassador to SA
Source: Mail & Guardian

Trump nominates rightwing media critic as ambassador to SA

US President Donald Trump has nominated Brent Bozell III as Washington’s new ambassador to South Africa amid a historic diplomatic deep freeze between the two countries. The nomination is one of many...

EFF changes tune on removal of Ekurhuleni mayor
Source: Mail & Guardian

EFF changes tune on removal of Ekurhuleni mayor

The Economic Freedom Fights won’t back a motion to remove Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, despite acknowledging the same concerns raised by opposition parties about his leadership <div class="woocom...

LIVE | World TB Day commemoration
Source: SABC News

LIVE | World TB Day commemoration

Deputy President Paul Mashatile leads World TB Day commemoration on the KZN South Coast....

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